Rona done stopped me from goin to church but her wild, world-travelling-butt ain’t stopped me from countin my blessins.  I’s blessed and highly flavored.  I know some folks say “favored,” and I don’t think God like me no mo den he like anyone else, but he did make me flavored –spicy, interestin, wit good sense and some style.  I calls dat “flavored” and I’m thankful fo being so.). Being blessed and highly flavored is what done got me feelin alright durin dis here stressful time.

Don’t get me wrong, I gots worries but dey don’t seem to be da same ones some folks is havin’ – at least not from what I seen on tv.  Seem like folks is mo worried about being broke than being dead: Aint dat America! Eeer’day that I wakes up and am able to get outta bed (though I got some aches, specially dis left knee) is a good day.  I ain’t scared of being broke.  Do I prefer to be able to get my hair done by Ms. Patty, tithe a lil extra at tha church, pay for da cable channel dat shows the stories all day, and buy the peach wine in da bottle and not da box – sure; but I ain’t scared if I gots to give up dem thangs. 

My chilren been calling me talkin bout dey so scared.  What dey scared fo?  Only thang I can think of is dey done got useta being boughetto too daggone fast.  Dey done got used ta drinking water dat comes from some foreign spring insteada from da tap; wearin shoes from countries dey ain’t visitin; and visitin places dey ain’t really welcome.  Dey were raised broke; dey can survive bein broke again if dey needs ta.  Long as I gots a house, dey gots one.  We gets through.  We’s suvivors.  It’s in our DNA.  We may be inconvenienced but we ain’t in da grave.  We gonna make it. 

If folks gone worry bout dey livin situations dey need ta be worried about not where dey livin but who dey livin wit.  Ooooo-chile, I ain’t one ta gossip or be negative, cuz you know God don’t like ugly; but some of deez folks ain’t usedta spending dis much time wit dey families.  Some folks don’t much like each other but dey been able to make it through on account of being at work, business trips, fake business trips, club meetings, church, kid stuff.  But now, it’s just dem—folks that barely know each other anymore and only halfway like each other in da house all day eeerday.  Dis is when we need some reality tv. Folks relationships gone either get better or git worse.

Even our relationships with our own selves gone be strained cause we all gonna be ugly.  Yep, I said it.  God don’t like ugly and I’ont either.  Can you imagine how folks gone look when dey can’t get dere hair done, cut or dyed for weeks?  Eeebody don’t look good in an afro (I know my “friend” Mr. Johnson don’t); and nobody looks good wit dey weave, nails and lashed growed out.  I’m happy my momma raised me ta always have a good wig, but I can’t do nothin’ about deez gray, wild hairs growing out my face.  Deez fingers can’t tweeze nothin.  I’m just grateful dat Mr. Johnson’s eyes only work as well as my fingers.

All I knows is we may all be ugly at da end of dis; but we sho should be rejoiceful dat we still here.  We still here ya’ll.  Dats something.  In fact, dat’s actually everything.

I love ya’ll.  Be blessed and high flavored …wash yo’ damn hands and sit yo butts down somewhere for minute (stayin home and being still fo a minute won’t kill ya – but not doing so just might).

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About Randi B.

Randi is a diversity and inclusion strategist, speaker, trainer and writer, focusing on making connections and cultivating empathy in this diverse world one trip, speech, article, book and conversation at a time.

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