Invitation Indignation

Facebook provides us with a quick glance into our friends’ and families’ most exciting times. We get to see the outrageous to the elegant: the décor, the fashion, the antics and the venue. We get a small thrill, a mini-mind vacation, from this voyage into someone else’s

Leslie Jones: We See YOU

Though she is 6 feet tall. Though she is 48 years old. Though she is a TV and movie star.  I know that those bullies touched the 6-year-old Black girl, […]

Chin Hair & Old Friends

I swear we get old the same way that we get fat—suddenly. You have birthdays every year.  And you feel great.  Hell, you look great. You have embraced the euphemism, […]

Pennies on the $

The walls were coated in Aegean blue.  The tile floor and the tablecloths where crisp White. Massive pots throughout the open space housed olive trees.  The restaurant had the busy […]