This Rona ain’t no joke. Even Pastor Brown done canceled church on Sunday and dat man ain’t evah cancelled church even when his second wife, Lula died the Tuesday befo Sunday service. His son, wit his non-preachin self, prolly made him cancel it. Seemin like the young folks mo scared of dis virus dan we ol’ folks. When you gets to my age and done lived through eer-kinda disease, through being Black, though being po – don’t much scare you. We ol’ folks figure either it’s our time or it ain’t; but young folks sho dey concern by makin us not enjoy da lil life we gots left.
I’m sittin up in dis house and can’t even go to church to get the word; and the way the news is making folks crazy, folks sho could use the word right now. 24 hours a day seems dey talkin about the Rona like ain’t not nere ‘nother thang happenin in dis world. Dey don’t give you no new information but jus keep repeatin da same thing over and over like a scratched record. And folks keeps on listenin to da point dat dey actin like stark-nattle fools: buyin meats dey can’t fit in dere freezer, all da sanitizer and 50 rolls of toilet paper (WHAT is dey doin wit all dat toilet paper?). What dey needs to hear is Pastor Brown read 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has NOT given us the spirit of fear; but of POWER and LOVE and of a Sound mind.”
In my mind, God also taught us not to be nasty; or maybe dat wuz my momma and dem. How did folks miss dis lesson? Why we got to spend so much time tellin grown folks to wash dey hands? Have mercy! What in da hell dey been doing? Maybe dats why da Rona had to come down on us –to teach nasty folks not to be so daggone nasty?
Or maybe He tryin to show the slow folks how dumb dis President dey elected is. He out here saying the virus is a hoax when folks dying like roaches in a raid bath; den lyin about our preparedness (after he da one who made us unprepared); den shakin eerbody’s hands on-camera when the news-folks and doctors repeatedly been saying to that we ain’t supposed ta. Maybe Rona is just the thang we need to get dat fool outta office?
Or maybe Rona is here ta make us pause, the world pause. Maybe we needed somethin to keep us inside and spend some time wit each other like the ol days. Folks always goin here and dere. Seem like to me, my grandchildren in so many activities dat dey never spend quality time doin family thangs. Dats how we bond – spendin time together. I ain’t talkin about watchin yo child perform in the school concert or play in a game but performin in a family talent show with your child or playin a game with them.
I’ont know. I just believe that thangs is always workin towards the greater good even when dey feel real bad. Dat’s why I gots peace. I knows we gone be alright. I also know how to wash my hands –been doin that forever, make my own healthy food, entertain myself, turn the channel when deez folks gets to repeatin too much, open my peach wine, and get da word even when I can’t go to church.
Ya’ll be safe now. I loves you.