Prescription Pilates

I’m an East Coast Woman; but there are many things that I love about living in Cali.  One of the main things that I like is the dedication to preventative health and to alternative health practices.  One thing I can say is that I have used the heck outta my body:  always dancing in heels, hiking up mountains, jumping off high surfaces, etc.  I go! I do!  One day a few years ago, my body said, “STOP!”. My lower back had me walking around like Fred Sanford.  The pain was big; but my pride was bigger: I was not going out like THAT!

I went to my doctor and she didn’t prescribe back surgery; she prescribed pilates (so California).  I am forever grateful.  Pilates works the small muscles that traditional exercises don’t work.  It targets strengthening your core (so you stop using back for everything).  I don’t think that I will ever stop doing Pilates. The only bad thing about Pilates is that it is expensive (my insurance actually covered my cost for awhile, which was helpful).  Also, don’t get it twisted, Pilates is harder than it looks. It kicks my butt as it strengthens my back!


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About Randi B.

Randi is a diversity and inclusion strategist, speaker, trainer and writer, focusing on making connections and cultivating empathy in this diverse world one trip, speech, article, book and conversation at a time.

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