This Rona ain’t no joke. Even Pastor Brown done canceled church on Sunday and dat man ain’t evah cancelled church even when his second wife, Lula died the Tuesday before Sunday service. His son, wit his non-preachin self, prolly made him cancel it. Seemin like the young folks mo scared of dis virus dan we old folks.
Fam, will I lose my woke-credibility if I admit that it was so nice to lounge in a fake-leather reclining chair, drink a margarita, graze on a mix of popcorn and Milk Duds, and watch a movie that didn’t have not one enslaved, tortured, marching, jailed or drug-dealing Black person? This world ain’t been kind to Black folks lately. Many days, I feel as if I am a character in a civil rights movie, so I’m plain tired. I needed The Photograph. I needed that movie.
Let’s face it. The Photograph is a romantic comedy. That is not at all an insult, because when was the last time you saw a romantic comedy with black leads?
Randi is a diversity and inclusion strategist, speaker, trainer and writer, focusing on making connections and cultivating empathy in this diverse world one trip, speech, article, book and conversation at a time.
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